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Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion Cysts

A ganglion cyst is a benign mass commonly found on the wrist and the end joints in the fingers.  These typically arise from a joint or a tendon.  They are filled with a thick fluid that acts as a lubricant for the joint or tendon.  The fluid leaks from the joint and is covered by a thick sheath.

Symptoms of Ganglion Cyst

People will notice a growth on the wrist or fingers.  This growth will often fluctuate in size as the fluid moves in and out of the joint/tendon sheath.  It often has well defined borders.  Usually these are asymptomatic, but they can cause pain with joint motion.

Ganglion Cysts Diagnosis

Ganglion cyst is most often diagnosed by history and physical exam.  An X-ray may be ordered to look at the underlying joint.

Ganglion Cysts Treatment

In most cases, the initial treatment for ganglion cyst is without surgery.  If the cyst is located in a safe location, aspiration of the fluid with a needle is attempted.  This results in resolution 40% of the time, which is still less risky than surgery.  If the cyst is not in a location allowing drainage, or it recurs after drainage, then surgical removal is warranted.

Ganglion cyst surgery involves removing the cyst with its capsule.  Often a small piece of the underlying joint capsule or tendon sheath is removed with the cyst.  This prevents recurrence.

What are the risks associated with Ganglion Cysts Surgery?

What is the recovery time following Ganglion Cysts Surgery?